Her aunt asks Houki in doing the Kagura dance this year. In the second half of the OVA, Houki visits her Aunt Yukiko's shrine, and they prepare for the summer festival.

Maya notes on the aspect of kindness, Ichika and Chifuyu are similar. After dinner, the scene goes to Chifuyu and Maya are out at a bar drinking. Cecilia eventually ends up blowing up a pot by using the laser from her optical drone to heat it up. She claims it was oden, although what she made was ingredients of oden on a stick. During the actual cooking Laura shows Ichika what she made. Back at Ichika's house, they are cooking. Ichika and Houki talk a bit, only to be interrupted by Lingyin and Charlotte yelling out to Ichika to help them and prevent Cecilia from picking ingredients. After a while, it is around the time for dinner, and they go to the local market picking up ingredients. During Laura's turn to make something, she claims what is being made is a mountain when Houki thought it was an oil well. A little troubled that five people suddenly showed up, Ichika proposes to play a game, and suggests a game that came from Germany where a person uses clay to mold something and the other players guess what it is. The girls agree to an alliance so that they can both share in taking bites out of Ichika's slice but before they can feed Ichika in return, Houki, Lingyin, and Laura arrive as well. Her brief alone time with him is interrupted by Cecilia, who brings a box of delicious cake.